I took a run today with Jonathan on a new trail out near the far West end of Hidden Valley. An obscure trail that is being used by the horse owners in the area connects to the National Park. The dusty horse trodden shaded trail connected with a fire road known as Stauber Road. We climbed up this road for a good 1500 vertical feet to a radio repeater on the top of the mountain. We were looking for a trail to connect to the Misha Mokwa trail. Unfortunately this connector does not exist. We tried to bushwack it but it was a fruitless attempt to make the passage the last two tenths of a mile. We retraced out steps and back to the car drenched in sweat with a plan to scope it out and come back another day.
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I have a quick question.
We were hiking on the Backbone Trail from Encinal Cyn (near the fire station) toward Mulholland Hwy, then crossed Mulholland (toward Etz Malloy) and got to a junction. A fire road goes either left of right.
I know left goes to Yerba Buena, but we’ve never done it. We always turn around and go back to the car at Encinal.
We want to shuttle next time, but don’t know where to leave a car on Yerba Buena. Can you tell us how? Most appreciated. Eileen