Libyan Challenge Part 1

This was a race I participated in in 2009.. It will be 10 years in February since I completed this event. This was a fulfilling adventure I will never forget.. 125 miles point to point with no course markings but only 100 waypoints to navigate with my handheld GPS.

Start the player below to enjoy some music from the region.

Some Tuareg Music

The Race Begins

The portal to the Akacus
Mountains on the way to the starting line
Promontories that were used by traders on caravans across the Sahara

Elizabeth wearing her team shirt proudly
Some competitors gat to ride in special vehicles
Team USA: JB, Howard, Rebecca, Bob, and Elizabeth
Bob taking in the wind with the final shuttle from the busses to the start line
Rebecca’s voice rises above the wind
Rebecca sending a post to National Geographic
Race Director… French guy
Official Start line in the middle of nowhere. We are just outside the ancient city of Ghat just north of the Chad border
And the race begins… the pack strung out pretty quick
Serious Euro attire in this crowd.
We are heading into these mountains
French guy who likes sunscreen… he will need it..
Very little vegetation here
Magnificent mountains
Note this local runner.. he is carrying a kids school backpack in his cloth turban.
The first agent to the rocky pass
Looking back to the start line. How many runners can you count?
Heading to the pass..
Final Ascent
There was a game path to the top…
Call that a camel path…
Caravan coming through… this is local version of the double semi
No water for these camels…
First sign of sand dunes… there will be much more of this!
Single track trying to be double track
Sterile Landscape
This is an easy place to get lost.
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